L-R: Famous author Skip Horack, famous publisher’s rep Jon Mayes, famous authors Bob Shacochis, Jamie Quatro and Robert Olen Butler. This is basically a state-of-the-art photograph of contemporary American literature. Once I learn how, I’m going to Photoshop my head in there somewhere. I think between Jon and Bob–where that glowing light is. Perfect!
Jon Mayes is a leading light in the world of independent book publishing and book selling. He spent 24 years as a bookseller, and 26 years as a publisher’s representative. Recently retired, he was the longtime Southern rep for PGW, the largest distributer of independent presses in the U.S.
You can read a bit more about Jon here.
Jon’s wife is Linda-Marie Barrett, longtime General Manager and former co-owner of stellar Malaprop’s Bookstore & Cafe here in Asheville, NC. Linda-Marie is now Assistant Executive Director of SIBA (Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance).
On his influential blog, Advance Reading Copy, Jon writes about publishing, bookselling and authors. He has interviewed many authors, from Pulitzer Prize winners to celebrities, about their lives and books.
You can imagine my blown-awayness when Jon recently wrote me to say that he had read “Everywhere She’s Not,” loved it, and wanted to interview me for his blog. That interview is here.
Thank you to Jon and Linda-Marie for doing so very much to champion authors, and the independent book publishers and independent book stores they depend upon to get their work out into the world.
His perspective on storytelling and connecting with the audience stood out to me as a reminder of how vital it is to communicate effectively in any context. This made me reflect on the importance of having a strong website that not only showcases your work but also reflects your voice and values. A well-structured site can act as a powerful tool for building connections, much like thoughtful interviews. It’s inspiring to see how sharing authentic experiences, whether online or in conversation, can create such meaningful engagement.